drama Orpheus (Orphée) (1950) Director: Jean Cocteau Jean Cocteau’s update of the Orpheus myth depicts a famous poet (Jean Marais), scorned by the Left Bank youth, and his love for both his wife, Eurydice (Marie Déa), and a mysterious princess (Maria Casarès). Seeking inspiration, the poet follows the princess from… kinostr Sep 15, 2024, 2:21 PM
kinostr Waiting For Godot (2001) Director: Michael Lindsay-Hogg 2001 Channel 4 presentation of Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett. Two tramps (Barry McGovern, Johnny Murphy) wait for a man named Godot, but instead meet a pompous man and his stooped-over slave. #kinostr #fullmovies #kino #comedy #drama #tragedy #art #films… kinostr Sep 8, 2024, 11:55 AM