animation Beyond the Mind’s Eye: A Computer Animation Odyssey (1992) (LaserDisc) Director: Michael Boydstun BEYOND integrates the latest in computer animation technology and artistry with original music from renowned composer Jan Hammer. The Mind’s Eye, Miramar’s first computer animation odyssey, has been described as a “modern Fantasia” - this… kinostr Sep 14, 2024, 2:10 PM
art John Whitney, Anthology (1961-75) & John Whitney- A Personal Search For the Complementarity of Music and Visual Art (1992) John Hales Whitney Sr. (April 8, 1917 – September 22, 1995) was an American animator, composer and inventor, widely considered to be one of the pioneers of computer animation. During the kinostr Sep 9, 2024, 7:57 PM