Virtual Nightmare (2000)

Virtual Nightmare (2000)

Director: Michael Pattinson

'Virtual Nightmare is a 2000 made-for-TV horror film directed by Michael Pattinson and starring Michael Muhney, Tasma Walton, and Todd MacDonald. The story was conceived in 1995 when writer David Tausik read the Philip K. Dick novel Time Out of Joint.

In the future the world has apparently reached complete perfection, but when Dale suffers a car accident he begins noticing disturbing glitches in the fabric of reality.'

An interesting, kinda rare low-budget made-for-tv movie curiosity that is actually pretty cool, with coincidental similarities to The Truman Show, The Matrix and The Tunnel under the World a short story by Frederik Pohl. The following is from a comment by the writer David Tausik on the YouTube page:

'...Hi, I'm one of the writers of this film and I appreciate your posting it, since there is no other way for people to see it. I enjoyed reading the comments here.

...There was immediately a lot of interest, but also a lot of concern that it bore similarities to a film in pre-production called The Truman Show. At the time, only one executive mentioned The Matrix although I believe that was already in production. We were unaware of these projects at the time.

Fox ...refused to buy it. I heard a rumor that the president of Fox called it "anti-consumerist propaganda," but that's just a rumor.

The film's proper title is "The Product." In the US it was only shown once or twice. Ironically, on Fox Television, where they renamed it "Virtual Nightmare."

I have since been sent books by Pohl and Lem that bear some resemblance. In actuality, my inspiration for the idea came from Time Out of Joint by Philip Dick. Thanks to all of you who have commented on the film, it still means a lot to me.'

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