The Way Things Go (Der Lauf der Dinge) (1987)
Directors: David Weiss, Peter Fischli
(Duration: 30mins)
The Way Things Go (German: Der Lauf der Dinge) is a 1987 16 mm art film by the Swiss artist duo Peter Fischli and David Weiss. It documents a long causal chain assembled of everyday objects and industrial materials in the manner of a Rube Goldberg machine, though without the trope of accomplishing a relatively mundane task at the end.
'In 1985 they began to stage scenes of causal activity in an empty warehouse using items like tires, balloons, ladders, and fireworks. Through sheer determination and hours of trial and error, they composed cinematic sequences in which objects careen into one another, light each other on fire, and fly from place to place in an endlessly unraveling chain reaction.' - guggenheimdotorg
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#fullmovies #artfilm #80s